Friday, November 12, 2010

Collecting from ESX/ESXi with VMware vCM 5.4

If you have VMware vCM (Configuresoft ECM, EMC Ionix SCM) and want to collect from ESX/ESXi you have to create a local user on the ESXi host and give that user Administrator permissions. That can be quite a daunting task if you have more than a handful of machines so I wrote the below powershell program that allows interactive use or automated use with a .CSV file.

---Start Script
Function NextUser
if ($newUser)
Write-host "Do you want to specify a new service account username or password? [y],[n]" -Fore Green
$continueUser = read-host
if ($continueUser -eq "y")
if ($continueUser -eq "n")

Function ExistingUsers
if ($newUser)
Write-host "Do you want to specify a new service account username or password? [y],[n]" -Fore Green
$continueUser = read-host
if ($continueUser -eq "n")
if ($continueUser -eq "y")
if (!$newUser)

Function DoIt
write-host "Please enter the username that you would like to use for the vCM Service Account:" -Fore Green
$newUser = read-host
write-host "Please enter the password that will be used for the service account:" -Fore Green
$newPass = read-host
write-host "Ok, I am going to add $newUser with a password of $newPass to $connectedServer" -Fore Green
Start-Sleep -seconds 3
New-VMHostAccount -ID $newUser -password $newPass -Description "vCM Service Account"
write-host "Ok, I am now adding administrator permissions to the account we just created" -Fore Green
New-VIPermission -Role admin -Principal $newUser -Entity $connectedServer
write-host "Congratulations, you have added the new vCM service account successfully." -Fore Green
write-host "Would you like to configure another host? [y],[n]" -Fore Green
$nextHost = read-host
if ($nextHost -eq "y")
if ($nextHost -eq "n")
write-host "Thanks, have a great day!" -Fore Green

Function DoItUsers
write-host "Ok, I am going to add $newUser with a password of $newPass to $connectedServer" -Fore Green
Start-Sleep -seconds 3
New-VMHostAccount -ID $newUser -password $newPass -Description "vCM Service Account"
write-host "Ok, I am now adding admin permissions to the account we just created" -Fore Green
New-VIPermission -Role admin -Principal $newUser -Entity $connectedServer
write-host "Congratulations, you have added the new vCM service account successfully." -Fore Green
write-host "Would you like to configure another host? [y],[n]" -Fore Green
$nextHost = read-host
if ($nextHost -eq "y")
if ($nextHost -eq "n")
write-host "Thanks, have a great day!" -Fore Green

Function NextHost
write-host "Please enter the FQDN of the server that you would like to connect to:" -Fore Green
$server = read-host
write-host "Connecting to $server using the credentials that you specified..." -Fore Green
Connect-VIServer -Server $server -User $existingUser -Password $existingPass
$connectedServer = Get-VMHost
write-host "Now using $connectedServer..." -Fore Green
if (!$connectedServer)
write-host ""
write-host "That host does not appear to be valid, please try again." Fore Yellow


write-host ""
write-host ""
write-host "-- Welcome to my VMware vCM ESX/ESXi Service Account user deployment tool. This tool will allow you to easily deploy a vCM Service Account to your ESX/ESXi hosts --" -Fore Cyan
write-host ""
if (!$args[0])
write-host "Did you know that you can provide a CSV file with your server FQDN, ESX user, ESX Password, New Service User, New Service Password and automate the whole process?" -Fore Yellow
write-host ""
write-host "Example: vCM Service Acct on ESX.ps1 c:\list.csv"
write-host "FQDN,User,Password,SVCuser,SVCPass"
write-host "machine1.test,root,password,vcm_svc,password2"
write-host ""
write-host "Please enter a valid ESX/ESXi account with permissions to add a new user:" -Fore Green
$existingUser = read-host
write-host "Please enter the password:" -Fore Green
$existingPass = read-host
$connectedServer = Get-VMHost
if (!$connectedServer)
write-host ""
write-host "You are not connected to an ESX host..." -Fore Yellow
write-host "You are currently connected to $connectedServer do you want to change servers? [y], [n]" -Fore Green
$response = read-host
if ($response -eq "y")
if ($response -eq "n")
write-host "Continuing to use $connectedServer" -Fore Green
if ($args[0])
$listMachines = import-csv $args[0]
if ($listMachines)
foreach ($MachineItem in $listMachines)
# write-host "FQDN : " $MachineItem.FQDN
# write-host "User : " $MachineItem.User
# write-host "Password : " $MachineItem.Password
# write-host "SVC User : " $MachineItem.SVCUser
# write-host "SVC Pass : " $MachineItem.SVCPass
# write-host "Connect-VIServer -Server "$MachineItem.FQDN " -User "$MachineItem.User " -Password "$MachineItem.Password
# write-host "New-VMHostAccount -ID "$MachineItem.SVCUser " -password "$MachineItem.SVCPass " -Description "vCM Service Account""
# write-host "New-VIPermission -Role admin -Principal " $MachineItem.SVCUser " -Entity " $MachineItem.FQDN

Connect-VIServer -Server $MachineItem.FQDN -User $MachineItem.User -Password $MachineItem.Password
New-VMHostAccount -ID $MachineItem.SVCUser -password $MachineItem.SVCPass -Description "vCM Service Account"
New-VIPermission -Role admin -Principal $MachineItem.SVCUser -Entity $MachineItem.FQDN



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