Friday, February 12, 2016

Log Insight - Migration to debug level logs

One of the projects that I am working on is enabling the forwarding of debug logs on all of our VMware vCloud Director Cells to our global Log Insight instance. To do this however we need a fairly accurate appraisal of what the increased overhead is going to look like. As part of this process I'm starting to create a python program that will allow me to quickly find what the current Events per Second (EPS) and log size in KBps are.

As you can see the script can be run locally or be pointed at a remote host and looks for the latest fully committed debug log. If you don't want to use that one, no worries, you can easily specify a different log file to use. If the target is a remote server the script will copy the appropiate log file to the machine running the script and then do the analytics locally to remove any possibility of unnecessary overhead from the cell server.

The script is still in active development as a side project but I hope to add the ability to query vCenter Servers as well in the near future. If you're curious the code is hosted on my Github repo and as always is not supported or affiliated with VMware in any way....

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