Friday, August 26, 2016

Zenoss and ServiceNow Integration - Custom Fields and Values

Our Zenoss instance is integrated with ServiceNow so that our support organization can open an incident with the appropriate event details at the click of a button from the Zenoss Events Console. The workflow for this looks something like the below flowchart that I just threw together.

The problem however is that our Zenoss instance was not following through in the last step after incident resolution and closing out the associated Zenoss Event. Because of this we were missing alerts on re-occurring issues since the event was in an acknowledged state. By default the Zenoss Incident Management ZenPack looks at the incident_state field for values 6 and 7 to indicate a closed event. However, our ServiceNow instance uses the underlying state field that is inherited from the task table that the Incidents table is built on top of instead of incident_state.
You can find out what field you are using by right clicking on the State label and either seeing the "Show - ''" or clicking on "Configure Label" which will show you the associated table

Next we need to find out the appropriate values associated with the state so that we can update Zenoss. Open the Task table under "System Definition - Tables". 

Then open the state column. (You can do this by clicking on the information button).

Next you will want to filter the results down to the Incident table and you will be able to find the integer values for your state.

In this case I want an incident with a state value greater than 3 to be considered from a Zenoss point of view to be "closed" and monitoring to be re-enabled by moving the Zenoss event from an "Acknowledged" state to "Closed".

Now, to make the change on our Zenoss server we need to create a snapshot of the Zope container, make the changes to the IncidentManagement ZenPack configuration and commit the snapshot so that the changes are persistent when the zenincidentpoll container is restarted.

From my Control Center I'm going to run the below command to start:
serviced service shell -i -s update_closed_sn zope

After that I can modify the appropriate file changing the values to match what I've discovered in the previous steps:

vi /opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.IncidentManagement-2.3.16-py2.7.egg/ZenPacks/zenoss/IncidentManagement/servicenow/

After saving the file and exiting the Zope container using "exit" we now need to commit the new image using:
serviced snapshot commit update_closed_sn

After committing the snapshot you need to restart your zenincidentpoll container from the Zenoss Control Center UI and then your changes will be live and you should be able to close an Incident in ServiceNow and have Zenoss automatically close the associated Zenoss event as seen in the below event notes.

Hopefully that helps!


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